People perceive customer service as a monotonous job routine; a customer comes in with a query, gets a response from the team, and goes his/her way after that. It is like that unless it isn’t. Anybody who has worked in customer service wishes it would be as simple as that,... read more →
As I set about writing this article, the government announced stringent measures to fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. Those measures included curtailing public transport, shutting down public places, and asking the people to remain cooped up in their homes until threat passes over. We are living in extraordinary times with... read more →
The Internet has enabled countries to expand internationally at a rapid pace. They are able to reach out to customers in multiple countries simultaneously. Given that businesses are able to localize their offering and customer experience to suit their target market, customers have become more open to using international products... read more →
As of today, Coronavirus has taken the lives of 10,447 people among the 254,697 cases reported worldwide. COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 virus as it is being called now, has taken the world aback with its increasingly dangerous effects and communicability. The immediate priority is health and safety of people; still, businesses... read more →
Customer service departments have seen a high rate of attrition over the last decade, which has now made the department look like an area of work that doesn’t offer the same level of opportunities as others. That can be blamed on various factors; it is hard to listen to people’s... read more →
What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger! Lifting dumb bells improves your physique, eating a balanced diet keeps you healthy, holding back on splurges saves money, and support QA enhances customer service standards. There is one point common to all of the above-mentioned examples; each one of these are hard... read more →
Talking of extremes, there wouldn’t be a more apt example than call center work stress. Going by-the-book isn’t enough to be successful in your call center venture. It isn’t for the faint-hearted; only a few call center heads possess the determination, skills, and temperament to manage an increasing number of... read more →
From the Black Friday sale to January holidays, it marks the busiest season for eCommerce companies. A report in 2017 states that almost two-thirds of consumers return at least one item back to the retailer. Data analysis in 2019 showed that retail sales grew by 3.4% in the USA making it the... read more →
One of the most widely held misconceptions about languages is that Spanish and Portuguese are almost the same. In fact, even after coming from the same descent of Latin they are very much different. The words you use in Spain are guaranteed to get you funny looks if you try... read more →
What happens if your colleagues aren’t present and a customer comes up with a query? For a new customer support agent, it is a tighter spot than you can imagine. With a lack of knowledge management system, it can wreak havoc on a company’s credibility in the eyes of the... read more →