Quality Assurance

We have built an organisational culture where quality is the number one goal and hence, we invest considerable time, money and energy to ensure that we are consistently meeting your quality standards. We have a dedicated Quality team that works very closely with operations team (Subject Matter Experts, Trainers and Team Leaders) and bilingual call center agent who also perform daily monitoring and coaching sessions with agents to ensure objectivity and highest level of quality.

Nothing less than the best!

Real Time Monitoring

We focus equally on both post-contact evaluations as well as real-time monitoring for customer interactions on all mediums- Chat, E-mail responses or Calls. Real-time Monitoring allows the supervisor to coach and guide (whisper coaching) an agent during live conversations if and when required. The coaching audios on live calls or messages in chat are not audible or visible to the customers. All the new bilingual call center agent are invariably monitored in real time for at least a week after they go live so that they can be tutored in real time and chances of any error is minimal.

Post Contact Evaluations

For post contact evaluation, we use strategic intelligence to determine which chats and calls should be reviewed. For instance we may pick calls or chats that last much longer or shorter than the norm or where the agent did not receive a favourable rating. All the interactions that are evaluated for an agent are measured and scored on primarily on these metrics- the greeting, presentation, communication skills, issue management, product knowledge, problem solving abilities, protocol compliance, script adherence, call center etiquettes, customer service quality, and closing. Each agent’s performance is assessed against the campaign goals. Our proactive monitoring approach ensures that agents get regular feedback on their performance which facilitates a much greater opportunity for improvement.


Calibration meetings include all personnel that are responsible for monitoring and all parties with a vested interest. Calibration sessions are held to narrow the differences on how the subjective factors that constitute quality are defined and how the calls are scored or how the employees are evaluated. Close communication between the client, the managers, and the agents keeps everyone in the loop, facilitates a much smoother operation and allows clients full control over quality, maintaining a level of comfort and confidence between us and the clients.

Regular Feedback Sessions & Coaching

Based on the evaluation, we identify areas of improvement for each contact center agent and determine the best ways to optimise quality and attain that improvement. We conduct regular coaching sessions supplemented with systematic training sessions to consult agents on their performance. We don’t simply share the score with the agents but make sure that we give constructive and timely feedback. We provide agents with concrete examples of what a great chat/call should look like and how the agent can improve his/her approach. During such review and coaching sessions remediation plan is created (i.e., shadow a more experienced agent, refresher training, have a call center manager whisper coach them etc,) for agents who consistently fail to make improvements based on our feedback.

Rewards and Recognition

We recognize and reward best performing and high-quality bilingual call center agent through mechanisms such as ‘agent of the month’ awards, staff excellence certificates etc. When we get client compliments for delivering good service, we make sure that the whole team sees this communication to motivate the team. Performance incentives constitute a major portion of the incentives that an agent earns which are strictly tied to the quality metric. On the same note, we do not hesitate in taking disciplinary action against agents who do not show improvement despite the efforts that can include removal from a campaign for substandard quality.