It's obvious that localization plays a pivotal role in any company looking to succeed at the international level. The importance of localization should be seen in the backdrop of it... read more →
Bill Gates, the richest man in the world once admitted during an interview that his biggest regret in life was that he could speak only one language. That says a... read more →
Why we need to redefine who is ‘ideal’ customer service rep In recent years we have seen the role of customer service reps has changed dramatically. Given the plethora of... read more →
Given the looming prospect of Brexit or the exit of England from the European Union, many global companies and businesses from the UK, have started giving serious thoughts to establishing a... read more →
Arab as a whole is a traditional and religious place where religion positively touches every aspect of personal and business life. An Arab holds certain values and traditions close to... read more →
Talking of customer service, a business either gives good customer service or poor customer service. However, it’s something that business owners, can always improve upon and make it better than their... read more →
In the last few years, technology has completely changed the way companies conduct their businesses. This is also true for small businesses as the requirement to be successful is not... read more →
As we go from Osaka to Tokyo, we find dialects are substantially different from Standard Japanese – as well as from each other. Despite what others may think of, there... read more →
Spanish, spoken by 400 million people is the third most widely-spoken language in the world after English and Mandarin. The Spanish speaking people constitute the fastest growing groups in the... read more →
We are living in times of globalization where every day, we communicate with people having multiple accents. One of the major sectors where accent plays an important role is the... read more →