The entire process of making travel bookings has gone through a lot of changes over time. There was a time we used to go to our local travel agency for our travel bookings but the whole process has migrated online for most of us. Now we prefer making our bookings... read more →
No matter how wonderful your products or services, some of your customers are likely to face problems. That's just an unavoidable truth of every business but you can surely find great ways to not lose customers. All you need is a little extra effort from your customer service department to... read more →
If there’s one industry where how you treat customers matters the most, it is the Hospitality sector. The service and experience you offer not only determines if the customer is going to stay loyal to your brand but also your brand reputation on social media and countless review sites. Given... read more →
The cost of missed calls is immense, whether you are a small local shop or a fortune 500 company with a global presence. A huge chunk of this bad customer service stems out of companies missing customer calls, not following up on time, and behaving in a negligent way towards... read more →
Machine translation is touted to be the next big thing. By automating language translation, it promises to help you save time, money, and effort involved in understanding and replying to native customers from different countries. So, if you’re a business running a multilingual call centre, you’d be crazy to not... read more →
As one of the most renowned call center outsourcing companies, managing outsourced customer service for 100s of clients, we understand the pressure customer service agents are under to satisfy the customer in every call. This, more often than not, involves providing an instant result or alleviating the customer’s apprehensions. There are times... read more →
Being a pioneer of technology and innovation, Japan surely knows a lot about doing things right. That includes customer service. But what surprises people most is how customer service adheres to a deeply rooted value system, in an otherwise tech-savvy and futuristic country. Understanding and implementing the fundamental principles of... read more →
If your business is expanding globally, by now you would realized that the need for Multilingual customer support in indisputable. Many companies, however, tend to invest in an in-house customer support department or work with freelance customer support executives. Neither strategy is utterly flawed. But, at the same time, you... read more →
For global businesses today, Germany represents an important market. But keeping German customers delighted isn't as easy as it seems. They have their own way of doing things and therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach to customer service won't work. German call centers need to adapt to the changing needs and expectations... read more →
Arguably the biggest consumer market in the world, China is a goldmine for any consumer-oriented business. With a population of over a billion and a somewhat balanced age demographic, your products and services have found a home. As rosy as the above picture might seem, if the market is not... read more →