In these times of cut-throat competition, a lot depends on the quality of your customer service which can either make or break your brand. Multilingual customer support has become an... read more →
While the words customer experience and customer service are often thrown around synonymously, they are vastly different. Customer service transpires through the buying process or when customers encounter a problem.... read more →
Business必利勁 es today are not bound by the physical boundaries of countries and market. This is evident from the fact that we can find the biggest brands from countries in... read more →
The entire process of making travel bookings has gone through a lot of changes over time. There was a time we used to go to our local travel agency for... read more →
No matter how wonderful your products or services, some of your customers are likely to face problems. That's just an unavoidable truth of every business but you can surely find... read more →
If there’s one industry where how you treat customers matters the most, it is the Hospitality sector. The service and experience you offer not only determines if the customer is... read more →
The cost of missed calls is immense, whether you are a small local shop or a fortune 500 company with a global presence. A huge chunk of this bad customer... read more →
Machine translation is touted to be the next big thing. By automating language translation, it promises to help you save time, money, and effort involved in understanding and replying to... read more →
As one of the most renowned call center outsourcing companies, managing outsourced customer service for 100s of clients, we understand the pressure customer service agents are under to satisfy the customer in... read more →
Being a pioneer of technology and innovation, Japan surely knows a lot about doing things right. That includes customer service. But what surprises people most is how customer service adheres... read more →